Thursday, November 4, 2010


Creating a screencast through Jing was very easy.  Although, even though I wrote out my script I still could not get it recorded perfectly like I wanted it, or couldn't get it the perfect length since each time would not be word for word the same as the take before.  I can see how this would be helpful in my future classroom, especially since I aim to use much more technology than I was accustomed to.  I understand that students will have much more technology "smarts" than I had growing up, but they may not be as familiar with educational or learning tools.  These are the products I would create screencasts for.  For example, if I have the students create a blog in journal-form for language arts I could cast an example of how to post and what requirements I am looking for in the posts.  I would be more willing to implement this tool through out my cirriculum especially as an alternative to giving oral directions because Jing makes it so easy to do.  With a few simple clicks, I can record exactly what I expect my students to do from the website and then easy upload it to them, either to a classroom blog or as a link to a classroom website.  The biggest limit with Jing is the 5min time limit.  Some of the longer instructions my classwill need will have to be recorded in chapters and viewed seperately.  However this also helps my monitor what I inculde in the screencast.  I will really have to evaluate the importance of the content of my screencast because it will have to be clear and very concise.  Also, since I plan to teach elementary school, if the screencasts were much longer, it would be hard to keep their attention.  So, although a longer time limit would make it easier for me, it is an advantage to my students to keep it short. 

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